Then – Unity in Diversity | Now – Success in Diversity

Then – Unity in Diversity | Now – Success in Diversity

Then – Unity in Diversity | Now – Success in Diversity

Mahatma Gandhi once stated-

Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization

Increasing your workplace diversity is not just a hollow catchphrase but also is the need of the hour for good business. According to McKinsey research conducted on 366 public companies, companies in the top quartile for ethnic and racial diversity, were 35% more likely to have financial returns above their industry mean, while those for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above the industry mean.

Today, diversity has become one of the most essential business practices and is not just adopted but engrained in cultures of all successful organizations. Collaboration between individuals from distinct educational backgrounds, professions, skills, personas, gender, race, ethnicity, religions, and geographical regions, enhances value of business decisions in terms of, understanding and decision-making.

Diversity produces creative thinking and leads to organic innovation.  This assists organizations in enhancing company culture, building brand value, nurturing diverse problem-solving skills, and maximizing employee engagement.

In fact, Diversity is reaching to a new dimension where many organizations are exploring diversity beyond the backgrounds, skills, gender and race but of the personas mix within their teams, personas mix such as Idealist, Critical Thinker, Realist and Critic, have also proven as a successful strategy to achieve greater performance and resulted higher job satisfaction rate with enhanced trust among the employees.

Here are a few interesting facts due to a diverse workforce, organizations have observed

Innovation Revenue than others

 Higher Team Productivity 

Job Satisfaction and Employee Retention

For a smarter functioning, variety in thinking ways and ideas are necessary.  Professionals working in a team built on different cultures and ideologies, have proven to find best possible way to excel at assignments addressed to them. This allows organizations to deliver world-class products or services to its customers and fosters an environment that encourages best-in-class innovation. According to Harvard Business Review, varied teams can also result in better problem-solving and decision-making. The more differences a team has in opinions, and perspectives, Higher is the experience shared.The ability to approach problems from several angles and ideate a solution is the root of every innovation. Furthermore, being disparate at work boosts employee engagement and morale, which is one of its main advantages. Even on its own, workforce diversity can induce higher productivity and resilience. Moreover, hiring a diverse workforce can help organisations to stand out and results in a stable clientele.

The diverse nature enables in understanding clients’ requirements in detail from numerous perspectives and can channel marketing and sales effort towards audiences with diverse cultures, practices, and backgrounds.

Empowering people with different personas, abilities, experience, language, and nationality, adds a powerful essence to organizational work ethics, culture, team integrity and productivity. Diverse workforce has become one of the highest rated critical success factors for organizations that are striving to minimize employee attrition rate, land large customers, increase workforce productivity and expand revenue portfolio. IGS believes in embracing diversity and takes it as one of its core values.




IGS – Recommended App Security Testing Services 2022 – CIO Insider

IGS – Recommended App Security Testing Services 2022 – CIO Insider

IGS – Recommended App Security Testing Services 2022 – CIO Insider

Here is our story with CIO Insider

IGS India is one of the fastest flourishing Quality Engineering Companies in Bangalore with a team of 350+ Passionate Career Quality Professionals. With its Distinct Engagement models that are Capacity-Driven, Outcome Driven and Output Driven, IGS has carved a niche for itself in the global market including prominent SI partners in the United States and Southeast Asia. Naveen Belavadi Nagaraja, CEO adds “We are known for Solution based delivery of Quality Engineering Services that drive value to customers by addressing the structural cost of quality and injecting predictability of ROI”.

In an exclusive interview with CIO Insider magazine, Naveen Belavadi Nagaraja enlightens us more about IGS India and its unique positioning in the market.

Give a brief account of IGS’journey.
My background has been primarily in quality engineering and spans more than 20 years in the industry. Working with leading organizations like HP, EDS and RelQ and through leading many global automation initiatives for industrialized delivery systems, it was always my dream to build a quality focused, independent validation and verification company with like-minded professionals who are focused on solution-based delivery for global customers. This is a differentiator in today’s world where many aggregators in the quality space approach it very differently. More so than being boutique about addressing the difficulties for the end client, they sell services in terms of quality through their products. Therefore, I presented the vision for IGS in a totally different way, where we concentrated on the challenges of our clients at various levels. This was done in conjunction with my business partners, promoters and distinguished Board of Directors with whom we have shared the cabinetry for more than 20 years. Since 2018, we’ve been on a quest to tackle quality from two perspectives: cost of quality and return on investment. We wanted to present a practical approach to quality, with a focus on ROI and how they can optimize

structural costs associated with quality and we become their safe pair of hands towards mitigating operational risks.

What are the strides IGS has taken since its inception?
We were a young and dedicated team of 11 when we established IGS five years ago, with a focus on engineering quality. Since then, we have been consistently evolving our client base as well as our solutions. We’ve evolved from a boutique quality engineering firm to a solution based quality engineering firm. We now employ over 350 employees and have excellent retention. We have expanded our service range to include end-to-end quality engineering services. Today, IGS has strong industry-related experience in Quality Engineering by virtue of having Subject Matter Experts in, Media and Entertainment (OTT, Short Video Platforms, and Gaming), Banking Services(Online and Mobile Banking), FinTech(Digital Banks), Insurance, Health-tech Remote patient monitoring Systems, Remote Consultation platforms, and Clinical Trial Platforms, Telco, Edtech, Airlines, and Airports.

Tell us about your services portfolio and the unique propositions offered through them.
IGS has a strong portfolio of Quality Engineering Services including Consulting and Advisory, Functional Testing Services, Test Automation Services, Performance Testing Services, Application Security Testing Services Vulnerability assessments, and Penetration Testing (SAST and DAST) for Web, mobile and Connected Devices, as well as Specialized Services including Digital Quality Engineering, Quality Engineering for OTT and Short Video platforms, Implementation of Automated Quality pipelines for DevOps and DevSecOps, AdTech Quality Engineering, Quality Engineering for User Journey Analytics, Customer Experience Validation Services, Database, and ETL Validations, Crowd Testing Services for Global Audience Acceptance, PCI-DSS Compliance Validation (Security Testing), GDPR Compliance Validation(Security Testing), Cloud Security testing (Security Testing), Cyber Security Testing, Threat Modeling Services (Security Testing) and Validation of Cryptography Solutions(Security Testing).

Further, IGS Smart Solutions include- Unified Test Automation Framework with Self-Healing Capabilities, Low Code Test Automation Solution ­Intuitive Framework for business users to build automated User Journey Validations with a simple Microsoft XL interface, Web services and API Monitoring Solutions API Availability and Monitoring Solution & New Content Ingestion Validation Dashboard for OTT and Short Video platforms, Smart Connected Digital Assurance Lab with

Remote access capabilities­ 300+ Device inventory, 5+ Network modes,16+ Platforms, Knowledge Management Framework ­ IGS KStack for OTT and BFSI domains, Smart custom tool sets to support scientific estimations of Test Effort Test Case Feasibility for Automation and to measure the maturity of Quality Function in an enterprise or a Tech Setup, Plug’N play Program Governance Dashboards, and Test Viz ­ Visual Data Insights playground to measure, track and monitor the Health of Software release by aggregating results of Test Automation runs.

What are the aspects taken care of through your security testing?
Specifically, from a security point of view, this is a service portfolio that we picked up three years ago, and we are now entrenched in strong capabilities and the ideal partner for security application security services, whether it is vulnerability analysis or penetration testing scopes. We’ve received excellent feedback from clients and endorsements for how we’ve been able to take a proactive approach to quality, which is quite similar to what we do for our other scopes. We have adopted a comprehensive approach to security, not just by delivering application security testing but also by undertaking threat modeling for our customers. This is a strong portfolio, which is why more and more customers are appreciating our security testing services because we take a preventive as well as a prescriptive approach. Tool-based scans are used in the prescriptive method. But, in addition to tool-based scans, we have ethical hackers who exploit the app. And it’s a key component of the value we provide to our clients.

What is the future roadmap envisioned for IGS? Where is it headed for the next five years?
As an organization, our vision is pretty clear: we want to evolve into a QaaS, or ‘Quality-As-A-Service’, delivery platform for our customers(RPA solution for Software Quality). IGS Security Testing Services and Solutions Roadmap With the advent of digital banks and the growing acceptability of cryptocurrency trading, IGS is focusing its efforts on gaining expertise and developing a scalable practice to evolve Holistic Security Testing Solutions for the global banking community. IoT, Crypto, NFT, and Blockchain use cases are emerging, providing an intriguing sandbox for IGS to explore. All of these use cases revolve around security and have Multi Billion Dollar Market opportunities. Immersive tech and Metaverse pose a unique opportunity for IGS to engage in Security aspects. Identity Theft and Ransomware manifestation for these techs are boundless and just the right areas for us to invest in the next three years.




Implementing Smart Analytics on Your D2C Apps – igsglobal

Implementing Smart Analytics on Your D2C Apps – igsglobal

Implementing Smart Analytics on Your D2C Apps – igsglobal


Domains such as Banking, Media & Entertainment, Healthcare and Telecom, produce massive volumes and diversity of prolific data and insights of which are key drivers for vast revenues for companies, particularly for those who are on their Digital transformation journey. Today’s businesses are willing to target their marketing to particular people or groups that are aligned with their interests in order to gain end users’ attention without using the conventional push-pull marketing tactics. These strategies are popularly referred as “Intelligent Audience Targeting” (IAT).

Many COTS Solutions and customised user journey analytics are essential to every digital product on market, when it comes to comprehending the end user’s perspective and meeting expectations towards exceptional customer retention and scaled User acquisition. These solutions and platforms provide a clear assessment of how users use products/services and hurdles they face while using them.

Analytics helps businesses understand users behaviour, which can further be used in developing solutions/contents/applications that the customers envision, differentiate and crave for. Furthermore, detailed business insights and information on users’ patterns can define an end-to-end roadmap for client acquisition and business growth.

Recent explosion of M-Tail and OTT platforms in the market demonstrates a sheer picture of how each of the market contenders is making high-end attempts to score over the others in terms of user acquisition and customer retention. There are abundant platforms in these two sectors that have been taking the innovation route to develop strong machine learning use cases to have an AI-driven strategy targeted towards upselling and cross-selling content and commodities to end users. Likewise, AdTech and User Journey Analytics are also shoving adaptive and interactive choices of practicing Ad Revenues and Seamless Quality of Experience that is tailor-made to audience’s preferences.

The team at IGS India, by its years of experience with many such multifaceted implementations on client projects, has identified the most widely used solutions in the Market that M-Tail, Banking, Fintech and OTT industries have been adapting. It has enabled IGS to understand the specifics of such Analytics implementation and thereby develop a comprehensive Quality Engineering approach to assure such Analytics implementation. IGS completely understands the urgency for its customers to effectively implement such dynamic analytics to collect valuable business insights.

This blog gives insights into IGS’s approach and point of view towards ensuring Quality implementation of such analytics solutions across numerous use cases.

How IGS’s Data Analytics Validation Service is helping businesses to grow?

IGS’s data analytics validation solution is built on profound analysis and understanding of various User Actions on the Digital Apps (Web, Mobile, Smart TVs and Connected Devices) that are Event Triggers in relation to flags recorded on the Analytics Dashboard. IGS’s reusable Test Assets are developed for distinct top-rated Analytics solutions such as Google Analytics, DFP, Mixpanel, CleverTap, Conviva, Amplitude, AppsFlyer and many more. Our teams develop precise test scripts that identify and validate expected Events, Event Triggers and Register Values on Analytics Dashboards and Networks that improve the quality of Data logged. Quality of Logging is most essential for the richness of insights rendered by respective Solutions to the Business.

Making Ad Revenues work for our customers

In recent years, we have witnessed a momentous rise in Content publishers and M-Tail companies implementing Analytics solutions for Ad Targeting for Smart Upsells and Cross-Sells on Digital Platforms. Many of them implement Double Click for Publishing (DFP) Solutions, AdRolls and Google Analytics towards generating Ad Revenues by targeting to certain groups of customers. IGS understands the KRA of companies in terms of the X Growth targeted by implanting certain solutions for contents or catalogues that generate the highest user visit and impression.

While creating impression for an ad, Ad-analytics reports include real-time data on user actions (Ad Banner Impressions, Ad-skip, Ad-play, navigate to URL). It assists businesses in determining effectiveness of their marketing channels and develop effective campaign strategies according to that. Our ad-analytics testing help businesses in getting a detailed insight into performance of their ad campaigns. Furthermore, it considers, Audience Targeting through Demography, Geography, and Gender. It also validates if ads are reaching the target audience. Advertising analytics helps businesses in identifying what actions users perform on website post-navigating to website homepage through ad campaigns.

Our Test Automation solution (UTAF), built on open-source stack can record several vitals of Ads such as Ad Triggers, Ad-Banner displays, Ad Impressions by Quartile and timestamps for targeted Catalogue or content from the Network interaction logs and validate them against the solution dashboard to confirm data integrity and insights. Likewise, Ad event validations are done for various scenarios such as playing media & trigger ads in front end, while also validating the events & their properties using different tools like- Charles Proxy, Fiddler, and Wireshark.

Our automated Ad Validation has helped a growing OTT platform in driving up Ad Revenues by 3X as a virtue of the robustness and accuracy of AdTech implementation on its platform infused by the solutions’ capability to test more in less time.

To know more about analytical testing, please visit

Assuring Quality towards implementing User Journey analytics

The Quality of Experience or more colloquially to video viewing experience, is one of the major factors that influence user adaptation to digital platforms. An analytical survey states that a person spends at least 3.5 hours every day interacting with different apps on mobile or smart devices. This produces deep insights for companies to drive strategies for pushing end users for longer interactions.

There are millions of user actions trigged within an application daily across different demography and geography. Those actions are assembled, stored, and analysed to improve the User Experience. Our user journey analytics validations focus on event validations that create appropriate flags on Data Visualization platforms. The team creates reference Vital Parameter checklist called Cam Sheets, which typically record various tags implemented for various user actions, and their associated values that need to be registered in the network log. Validations against the vitals such as the Data Type of the vital, mandatory, or non-mandatory fields, accuracy of the value captured and whether a Vital can be null or non-null are fundamentals to validate the robustness of implementing the Analytic tags.

Since these validations are laborious and time-consuming, we have developed utilities to run these validations, which are driven by a polyglot tool developed using Java and Python. The utility captures various transactions, user triggers and respective values from the network log and is matched against values registered on Analytics dashboard. The validations include Event Counts, Timestamps, and values against critical parameters. Crash Analytics tags are validated using test harnesses that drive chaos into the scenario by injecting crashes artificially into a user journey. The vitals are validated if any Crash on the device of usage is successfully registered with the required history of the user journey and relevant logs.

Our flagship OTT customers faced challenges with their releases, which were caused due to showstoppers on incorrect reporting of analytics. Multiple events and duplicate events were originating from more than one entry point tagged to a user action. Validating each scenario across all entry points of an event and its properties was an extremely manual time-consuming activity. These drastically increased the testing TAT for the targeted release. Our indigenous test automation framework solution automated testing of User Journeys and cut Analytics regression TAT by 60%.




Integrated Teams – Success Factors for Collaborative Teams

Integrated Teams – Success Factors for Collaborative Teams

Integrated Teams – Success Factors for Collaborative Teams

When a group of professionals equipped with diverse competitive skills join hands and work on a project, an integrated team is formed. This not only unitizes client and partner teams but also improvises coordination between both teams. Additionally, client and partner teams will be exposed to each other’s work culture and ethics, which will help in understanding business operations, quality expectations and lead to faster project deliveries.

The concept of integrated teams is becoming an extensive choice among different businesses following agile software development model. In scenarios where the business is expecting the delivery really quick, it chooses an integrated team model. It helps them in acquiring the right workforce for the project.

What is the purpose of integrated teams?  

For clients, who find it bothersome to outsource people for their projects, an integrated team is a prominent solution. It not only provides them with skilled professionals who are most suitable for project requirements but also assists them in achieving solutions they envisioned.

The integrated team’s model can benefit businesses in numerous ways. Let’s have a look at how they can help a business grow:


Integrated team model induces complete accountability for project completion. As an integrated team involves both partner’s team and client’s team, the group members effectively distribute work among each other depending on their expertise. It naturally creates a sense of accountability for tasks assignees and promotes on-time delivery. Engagement that is built on trust bestows a plethora of opportunities to partners. Hence, it becomes generic to be liable for their own action.


Implementation of integrated teams ensures there is zero communication gap. As, both teams are working in the same environment, there is hardly any place for misunderstandings regarding process, requirements, functionalities, project progress, status, or delivery timelines. Furthermore, it becomes easier for clients to track progress, which keeps them unbothered about meeting deadlines and project deliveries.


While working within an integrated team, the teams flourish with better coordination. As both teams work towards the same end goal, it encourages brainstorming for generating fresh ideas to resolve hurdles and make headway toward a quality product. Moreover, as high-skilled professionals are working together, it provides timely deliverables, guarantees the best quality solution and ensures all-around incident support.


When a fresh client is onboarded, by default 100% commitment is given to delivering the highest quality services within the stipulated time. This is only possible when both teams collaborate and understand the requirement, quality standards, tools & technologies being used.

When a fresh client is onboarded, by default 100% commitment is given to delivering the highest quality services within the stipulated time. This is only possible when both teams collaborate and understand the requirement, quality standards, tools & technologies being used.  When workforce lacks coordination, business faces delivery challenges with respect to quality. This can be overcome by having an integrated team working on projects.


Highly skilled professionals being available during the time of need, addressing the issue would not be a challenge. It comes with an all-round the clock support. There is testing team, development team, support team, and business development team, all working is a common space making it easy to deliver projects.


Integrated teams are formed with a team of competent professionals, who are experts in their own field. Be it the quality engineering, technical support, software development, graphic designing, or UI development, competent and diversely skilled people working together brings boundless learning opportunities for each other.

Continuous Learning

As cross-skilled people working on the same project, it helps all team members to learn from each other. The client’s team can learn about the technology and tools used in the partner’s space and vice versa. Working in integrated team offers a never-ending learning opportunity among workforce, which is one of the main reasons why integrated teams model/concept is becoming more adaptable and successful.

To conclude, the hasty outbreak of Covid19 has colossally affected everyone and had made us compromise numerous things and working from home is one among them. No doubt it has empowered us to continue our job by being safe within our houses, but also highlighted major issues in businesses’ work culture.

Entire team working remotely, there has been a lack of coordination and time management, which affected project deliveries and has had a huge impact on organizations’ revenue. This can be attributed to companies not practicing an integrated team model.

IGS had previously aced a work culture that was integrated, which helped in its growth during challenging times. IGS was used to various business communication tools like Sococo, Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Chat. This helped IGS in creating 100% online integration with its clients and partners and made it expedient for employees to stay integrated with the client’s teams.

This integrated team practice topped with the versatility of using online communication tools, helped IGS and its clients release products faster into the market.




Customer Acquisition Strategy: Work Ethics Impact

Customer Acquisition Strategy: Work Ethics Impact

Customer Acquisition Strategy: Work Ethics Impact

Recently, we conducted a poll on LinkedIn, to understand views of professionals on what helps build an organization’s brand value. Ethics, ranked #1 followed by Career upliftment, Customer prioritization and Creating a social impact respectively.
Results provided a clear picture on the importance of work ethics among professionals and benefits it adds to brand enhancement. Considering Ethics receiving the highest ranking, we would like to share IGS’s perspective on essence of work ethics.

Let’s analyze the perspectives of the participants and understand the importance and benefits of work ethics:

With work ethics being a necessity as it decides the business values, it becomes imperative for business organizations to follow the essential set of business practices, which can lead them towards achieving their business goals. Practicing work ethics may not show results instantly, but there are certainly long-term benefits. Business ethics are essential not only inside the organization but also in social, cultural and business aspects.
Work ethics can be defined as a set of rules, regulations, and advisories, followed by organizations. Maintaining general work ethics can have numerous advantages, which include- improving brand image and customer acquisition ratio, which leads to customer loyalty and brand recognition.

In view of solidifying an organization’s brand image, we were able to recognize the below characteristics that would help :

The Right way of doing business

right way to do businessUnbiased decision-making is another major component of standardized enterprise-grade work ethics. One must assure that all constituents receive equal service and practice behaviours that is consistent with the standards and principles of the professional association.
While handling any sort of client project, it becomes essential to follow the set of principles. When set of principles are being practiced it becomes easier to manage project deliverables, which results in client satisfaction and ultimately lead to higher client conversion rate.
The basic principle of work ethic, when handling a client project is – Do not promise what you cannot be delivered. When you promise something to the client, it must be handled with utmost care and dedication, any sort of delay/failure of promise can hamper the business reputation. Hence, all organization’s policies and standards should be clearly articulated and broadly disseminated.

Unbiased Behaviour

work ethics inequalityPrinciple forms the base of work ethics. It makes organizations unbiased and liable for their actions and introduces a transparent behaviour that aids in establishing a reputation of a loyal brand that is trustworthy to work with.
It helps organizations take the fair decision over taking up client projects, hiring candidates, organizational decision making and most importantly develops a sense of equity in each and every person involved in the process.

Equitable AccessEquitable access

Work ethics are no longer a secondary thing that can be overshadowed in any aspect, instead, it has become a primary etiquette that represents the face of the organization before society.
Equitable access is one of the most crucial components of work ethics. It not only results in employees, and clients feeling valuable towards business but also creates a sense of integrity throughout the process.
It ensures the organization is making fair decisions, that are evolved irrespective of any kind of influence. It eradicates any sense of discrimination based on races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, faiths, national origins, impairments, age, economic status, or veteran status and creates equal access to services and opportunities for people.

Compliance with Law of Land

work Confidential

The other major constituent of organizational work ethics is being complied with all the standardized laws. As the business has to deal with clients/customers, there involves the risk of maintaining data privacy, any breach of user data can result in penalties, lawsuits, project loss and can damage the business reputation.
When the business complies with standard rules, regulations and policies, any client body feels secure and considers continuing the contract in a long term. It also improves brand reputation, which is essential to draw prospects.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosures


In the age of digital India, it is crucial to confirm end-to-end security and confidentiality of clients’/customers’ data. The same goes for employees, job applicants, and service partners.
All personal information regarding their services, programs, background, and resources, must be kept private. If any organization has failed to support this primary cause, the business growth may face challenges.
Hence, we are concluding that starting from maintaining a healthy work environment to leading a proper organizational structure, work ethics represent the authenticity of the brand, which eventually results in brand building and client conversions.
We at IGS believe without work ethics it is difficult to function, it is our workforce and critical work ethics, that make us one of the leading premium global quality engineering teams. Our brand objectives are integrity, innovation, building high-performance teams, leadership, and inclusion, which are backed by our strong work ethics.