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Resolving Consumer reviews on store for successful User Acquisition

March 29, 2022

A Leading digitized bank in the far-East had low app rating from its consumers. IGS transformed the user experience and propelled them into #1 position within 3 months. Want to know how?


Client wanted to improve user experience and boost customer retention
A fintech company in far-East received lots of negative feedback on both App Store and Play Store due to poor quality. Their app had an average rating of range of 2.9/5.0


IGS took a pragmatic approach, With it’s team of analysts
IGS’s team of experts analysed consumer feedback, drew key insights and crafted a comprehensive strategy.


App achieved #1 rating on the online store
Once IGS took over the Quality engineering aspect, the review ratings peaked and an average of 4.2/5.0 within a span of three months.

Client Overview:  

A fintech company in far-East providing online transactions, P2P lending, money transfers and online payment faced defamation of their application with bad reviews on both online. This was primarily due to poor quality of their application. Instead of taking an incremental approach, we came up with a transformative plan to benchmark the solution against the top banking applications across the globe.

#1 among its competitors for consumer experience.

In an effort to maintain the #1 position, IGS has put in place, a team of dedicated experts to quickly identify and resolve any concerns / issues raised by consumers.

We championed a study to analyze industry best practices to achieve world-class user experience

IGS tested the application live in the city at two regions where critical feedback occurred. IGS identified the root-cause of the issue with its team of experts by conducting the required tests onsite.

World-class experience to the consumers of this bank

During the implementation of this strategy, IGS had to continue to support their current ongoing release trains to meet on-going customer expectations.

IGS performed effective and efficient RCA’s in tagging it to a reproduceable experience-based issues.

IGS’s experts tagged each review to six critical factors:
  1. QOE (Quality of Experience) -Ease of KYC
  2. Functional stability
  3. Performance
  4. Security
  5. Device compatibility
  6. Comparative advantage – Benchmarking
Key benefits:
  • Post three months of engagement, User churn out almost at 0 on the application according to our consumer.
  • This bank was able to acquire more customers and retain their current customer base.
  • The fintech company was now able to plan, develop and deploy with confidence knowing their improvements on application and user expectations