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Count on us to count out bugs & deliver quality

April 19, 2022

Client Situation

  • A Telecom product company that provides end-to-end omnichannel solutions for mobile and fixed telco, cable, media and utility companies faced long TATs for deploying hot fixes, patches, ticket fixes to its flagship client. Was engaged with all regional deployments for one of the leading network company and therefore had volumes of test cases to be executed before customization were deployed with respect to base deployments. An in-house Automation team had envisioned a BDD solution for seamless Automated Jenkins pipeline execution for deployment efforts that minimizes QA Manual effort.

IGS Solution

  • IGS Automation Architects entered the field, understood the requirements, assessed the development team’s requirements and devised a jUnit based Test Automation solution that was seamless integrated with Gradle Build and compile on the Jenkins Pipeline to achieve CI/CD.
  • Also implemented a BDD reporting solution with Allure that provided descriptive Allure Reports of Piepline runs that exported the reports to Jenkins.
  • Created Java interfaces to invoke API, UI and RabbitMQ validations on the same framework.

Result and Benefit

  • 40% QA Bandwidth was conserved and provided Client’s QA team to add more test coverage on every release.
  • Worked on an unique Monthly package delivery model that locked the Clients QA Automation expense to a budget that was decided upon and spread across 12 months.
  • Detailed plans tied to budgets helped improve management’s understanding of variances in schedules, cost, and quality.
  • Reporting methods and Dashboards helped Dev team to get an understanding of better ways to handle Element inconsistencies on the UI.
  • IGS was able to bring value to create a unified set of reusable components that emulated Business Process Testing Approach.